Dedicated to fine art of Asia and Hawaiʻi


6-Panel Evening Landscape

SKU #14634 Category Tags ,


19th century 6-panel screen with the image of aristrocratic ladies in an evening landscape, painted by Ishu. The scene is painted in a quiet atmospheric style. The vague definitions of temples and buildings shrouded in mists makes one think of poetic passages that evoke emotions from an imagined reality.

Kano painter Ishu (1791-1852) was born in Sendai, and is said to have been a descendant of Ogawa Ritsuo. He studied with Kano Isen’in, and was influenced by his friend Tani Buncho. Ishu served as official painter to the daimyo of Sendai, but also led a Bohemian life sketching as he wandered. He was skilled in representing Kannon and in suiboku painting. He created his own style.

庭院仕女。伊修(Ishu,1791 – 1852)。江户 -明治(19世纪)。设色纸本六摺屏风。画家出生于仙台,据说是小川律夫的后裔,为仙台大阴的官方画师,善画观音、庭院。状况良好。
