Dedicated to fine art of Asia and Hawaiʻi


Chinese Kesi Fabric Scroll


Late Qing period (1644-1911) kesi fabric scroll. This rather large kesi fabric has been mounted as a scroll. It has the image of warriors fighting in a rocky landscape. It is typical of the imagery of a Qing period work, showing the valiant armies of the empire. Kesi is a special weaving technique used in many gorgeous fabrics for the elite of China. There is the possibility that this scroll is one of 2 or 3 pieces and that this is perhaps the middle scene, but this is only speculation. There are no identifying marks or elements to tie this image to a particular story, and of course there would not have been an artist’s name on such a work, being considered an elevated form of craft rather than the work of an individual artist.

战斗人物。清代(1644 – 1911)晚期。设色绢本立轴。质优。
