Dedicated to fine art of Asia and Hawaiʻi


Pair of French Chinoiserie Paintings

SKU #8346 Category Gallery


This interesting early French map, dated 1756, which is an updated copy of an earlier map published in 1742 (probably to include information from the Spanish chart of the Pacific captured by Anson in 1743), was issued by the Depot de la Marine (“price 20 sols”). The chart shows the Pacific after Tasman’s voyages to Dieman’s Land (Tasmania) and to New Zealand in 1642 and 1644, and after Anson’s capture of the Spanish chart from the Acapulco Galleon in 1743. This chart shows virtually all that was known of the Pacific until Captain Cook’s first voyage in 1768.

中国风绘画 一对。法国(1756)。手工彩色铜板雕刻。状况优。
