This is a painting of the Indian monk Boddhidharma. He is called Daruma in Japan. In this painting he is shown as a holy man. He is bare footed with long toe nails that mean to show that he has been seated in meditation for a long period of time, He looks disheveled and vulnerable against the wind that is blowing his garments to the side. He meditated for nine years facing a rock wall. He is a paragon of dedication to the purpose of achieving enlightenment through discipline and will. He is credited with founding the school of Buddhism called Chan Buddhism in China and Zen Buddhism in Japan. This Buddhist way of thinking says that enlightenment can come quickly; not requiring many reincarnations. This is a new mounting.
达摩。明治(1880)。水墨设色纸本立轴。质优。 达摩在日本称作Daruma,此画中的达摩赤脚长趾甲,衣衫褴褛,表示他已面壁禅修了九年。