Dedicated to fine art of Asia and Hawaiʻi


Unofficial History Calligraphy


Rai Sanyo was a famous literati painter, calligrapher and historian. His father was the official Confucian advisor for the Hiroshima domain. Sanyo rebelled and relinquished his ties and was disinherited. He set up his own school in Kyoto and was surrounded by the greatest minds of his time. Here he uses a Chinese poem written by Uragami, Shunkin to say farewell to his brother. ‘When we met at Gatsu we enjoyed a very good time. The older brother can paint, the younger knows music. To travel back home he must travel over 1,000 mountains and across 10,000 waters. What lies under the brush and ink here is our true heart. Original poem written by Shunkin and the younger brother’s name is Shukin going home back east.’ Signed Yuzuru (Rai Sanyo’s given first name)

书法。赖三洋。江户(1600 – 1868)。纸本立轴。品相优。
