Dedicated to fine art of Asia and Hawaiʻi


Three drunks


These three men are showing the three different character types of a drunk. This is a traditional idea known as nakijogo, waraijogo and okorijogo (sentimental drunk, laughing drunk and angry drunk). Here they sit under the turning maple leaves drinking sake which is being heated by a fire of leaves. The sparse negative space surrounding the figures is very much a trend in painting of the late Meiji into the Taisho period.

酒徒。明治 – 大正(1868 – 1926)。设色绢本立轴。品相优。这是三个不同醉酒的类型(伤醉、笑醉和怒醉)。画面中留出疏落到空间,是明治后期绘画的一种趋势。
