Dedicated to fine art of Asia and Hawaiʻi


Scholars in a Garden Scene

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Okamoto Toyohiko (1773 – 1845) was a teacher and artist who was given the prestigious title of Hogen. He was born in Bitchu province. He is considered a member of the Shijo School of painters of Japan. In Kyoto he became Goshun’s student. After Goshun’s death he and Matsumura Keibun became the leading artists of the Shijo. Shiokawa Bunrin and Shibata Zeshin were his students. Toyohiko was very much influenced by Chinese painting. This painting is a testament to that taste. It is the image of a group of Chinese scholars in a landscape pursuing the interests of painting, calligraphy and poetry. The style of the this painting is very fluid, almost like a spontaneous sketch. The lines are lively and unforced. The composition is simple. Being an important figure in the life of Kyoto he shared this taste for the romance of the Chinese scholar and his pursuits with the aristocracy of the period. This painting has been recently remounted and is in perfect condition with a new storage box.

文人雅集图。岗本丰彦(1773 – 1845 ),江户。水墨设色绢本立轴。质优,重裱。作者是教师和艺术家,四条画派的主要成员。他的画深受中国画影响。
