Dedicated to fine art of Asia and Hawaiʻi


Pair of scrolls with Bamboo & Insects

SKU #10701 Category Tags ,


This wonderful pair of 20th century Chinese scrolls by the artist Pan Ran, with a variety of insects and foliage in a garden scene with rocks, is certainly the work of the Shanghai school of painting. The style of the painting is more contemporary in feeling; the brushstrokes are spontaneous and carefree. This is not an artist who is creating a totally controlled line. He is content to follow the brush through a more natural sense of flow, creating forms that have substance and yet are more the suggestion of foliage and rocks rather than the explication of their substance and form. The insects, though carefully and meticulously wrought to give a measure of the insect forms, are yet a part of the overall abstraction of the image. There is a great deal of negative space in this painting which indicates a loosening of the old school of traditional imperatives in painting.

