Dedicated to fine art of Asia and Hawaiʻi


Delight in Serenity & Seclusion

Gallery #11006 Gallery Gallery ,


Painting of a house by a brook painted by Xu Rong. Xu Rong (artist name Yu Ting) was a Chinese artist who moved to Nagasaki, Japan in 1861, during the Taiping Revolution (1851-1864). Known in Japan as Jo Untei, he had a great influence on the Nanga artists, and he had many students. After the revolution he moved back to China. The box the scroll comes in was authenticated by Hakusan Chu dojin.


徐溶,1861年太平天国(1851 – 1864)期间移居日本长崎,在日本被称为Jo Untei。他有很多学生,对南画的影响很大。太平天国后回中国。画匣有白山楚签识。
