Zhong Guei Scroll
Large Chinese painting of Zhong Guei. This painting of Zhong Guei is by the artist Wang Yun. It has a date on the painting of 1697. It is an interesting painting because the subject is always interesting. Zhong Guei is considered a paragon of loyalty because even in his death he returned to life to banish the demons that were haunting the dreams of the emperor. He is usually shown as a great, large figure with a sword and perhaps a couple of demons by the neck. In this painting he is shown in his common aspect with fierce bulging eyes and the red cloak. The demons are not shown in this image, but a companion follows beside him . The painting is perhaps as old as the writing intimates, but since we are unable to determine the authenticity of that date the painting is being sold purely on its aesthetic merit. The condition of the painting is excellent, and has recently been remounted in Shanghai