Water Moon Kannon
19th century Japanese painting on silk of the Water Moon Kannon, recently remounted. This Japanese painting of the Water Moon Kannon has been done in a very luxurious style. The drapery of the figure, the adornment with jewelry, is reminiscent of very early Chinese paintings of this bodhisattva. This bodhisattva, who represents the ultimate compassion, is the evolved form of the Indian Buddhist paragon Avalokiteshvar. The figure here is found in the traditional style with the luminous halo or moon form behind. The Kannon was the focus for many lay people seeking mercy or help in some way for sufferings and afflictions, both physical and spiritual. The inscription indicates that the painting is a duplication done by Kawamiki of a master’s original. Kawamiki was a priest who held the rank of Hogan.
水月观音。江户 – 明治(19世纪)。设色绢本立轴。品相优。