Dedicated to fine art of Asia and Hawaiʻi




“Settled between Heaven and Earth!

Reikai, follower of the Way”

The inscription means, “Zen (represented by Daruma) is to settle oneself in the center of heaven and earth, in the here and now.” Reikai (1877-1946) was a Soto Zen monk who lived in Northern Japan. After his temple Ryoun-ji burned down, Reikai brushed Daruma paintings in exchange for donations to help rebuild it.

达摩。19 – 20世纪。水墨纸本立轴。质优。作者灵海(1877 – 1946),日本北部曹洞龙云寺禅僧。龙云寺被焚毁后,灵海画达摩获捐募以重建寺院。
