Dedicated to fine art of Asia and Hawaiʻi




Marvelous, witty Daruma. This painting is a good example of the Japanese ability to be irreverent toward important cultural figures. Of course Daruma was the Indian Monk who came to China to teach a form of Buddhism that later in Japan was called Zen Buddhism. He is usually shown with a severe expression like a passionate and disciplined teacher.

Here, the artist has abstracted his features like a caricature. He is said to have meditated for nine years facing a stone wall. When he was about to fall asleep, he cut off eyelids to stay awake. Therefore in almost all paintings he is shown with large eyes, that again, evoke his will to achieve enlightenment through meditation. This is all a metaphor that serves to amplify the importance of his dedication. He is in this painting, a little strange, a little funny and very dear to those that see him almost in the way we see a curious member of our family.

达摩。现代。水墨纸本立轴。质优。 传说中达摩打坐九年,未了防止在打坐时睡着了,他吧眼帘剪掉以保持清醒。所以在几乎所有达摩的画像中,他都有一双大眼睛。
