Five Bodhisattvas
19th century painting on paper of the 5 bodhisattvas sitting on mythical animals. Formerly a scroll, this painting depicts the 5 bodhisattvas, each seated on a mythical animal, accompanied by Caitongsi. Caitongsi is an attendant of Guan Yin and is recognized as a figure that bestows wealth. The animals shown in the clouds represent transcendental beings. The figure in the lower right corner is seated on a qilin; the figure in the lower left corner is riding a fu dog with the multiple tails; the rider above that figure is shown on a stag; the middle figure is riding an elephant; and the central figure at the top is on a dragon representing spirit. Most likely these 5 bodhisattvas represent the 5 fundamental elements of the universe: fire, water, air, wood, and earth. This is a decorative art interpretation of Chinese spiritual beings, such as provincial temples might display.