Dedicated to fine art of Asia and Hawaiʻi


Shakyamuni Coming Down the Mountain


Buddhism did not begin with Shakyamuni’s enlightenment. Once he became the Buddha, he had no need to remain in the world of samsara. However, the gods pleaded with Buddha to leave his mountain retreat and return to the world to proclaim what he had realized. Buddha was reluctant: ‘No one will listen.’ The gods responded, ‘Still you must try for the welfare of many.’ Buddha finally agreed. On December 8th, the day celebrating Buddha’s enlightenment, Buddha Descending the Mountain is the scroll that is displayed in Japanese Zen temples. As we see here Buddha has a halo and it is clearly understood that it is the Enlightened One who is descending from the mountain, not a disappointed, dispirited ascetic as it has been claimed.

Furuichi Kinga (1805-1880) was a Nihonga painter who worked in the Kurashiki area of Japan. The high quality of his work established his reputation as an artist.

释迦牟尼。古一金雅。(1805 – 1800)。江户 – 明治。水墨设色纸本立轴。品相优。
